Yoga Nidra – or yogic sleep is a form of relaxation, where one turns inwards and relaxes but does not sleep. One relaxes on the physical level but the consciousness is still engaged.
To practice yoga nidra you should find yourself a comfortable resting position either laying down or seated. You could be laying down on your Yoga mat or on a sofa, bed etc. If you choose to be seated you should assure that your head and back are fully supported. The idea is physical rest.
Assure you cover yourself with a blanket, as your body temperature is likely to drop.
In addition you might use probs like cushions, pillows and bolsters to get yourself as comfortable as possible. For instance you could have a bolster under your knees or a cushion under your head if you prefer. If you are seated you might want to rest your head against a cushion on top of the back of your couch. The main aim is your whole body is fully supported and your muscles can relax in the position you choose. If you would like a few examples please feel free to get in touch, and I can send you a recording to try. There a plenty more on the internet. The main thing you get to experience Yoga Nidra and discover it’s large potential.